Mom's been telling us about her rattie friend at work, Daisy, and so we thought we'd do a shout out post to say hi!
Daisy is a female rat and a complete sweetheart from what we hear. She's a beautiful beige berkshire, meaning she's all champagne except for her belly and paws, which are pure white. (For more information on rattie classification, click
HERE and
Unfortunately, Daisy was mistaken for a male and left in the same cage as some "other" males. Of course, little Daisy then got pregnant, and mom and her friends at work have been watching her tummy grow for a few weeks now. On Saturday afternoon she finally delivered nine healthy, squeaking pups.
Here are some pictures mom took of Daisy throughout her pregnancy, and finally with her litter.
(pictures to come)
If you're interested in adopting *TWO or more* of Daisy's babies, visit our mom at Cranston PetCo!
A special note from mom: Ratties should NEVER, I repeat NEVER EVER, be housed alone. They are by nature extremely social animals, living in packs in the wild, and keeping them by themselves leads to stress and sickness. There are only extremely rare circumstances when having a single rattie is acceptable- I have done it once and will never do it again. It is clear to me after having my Roxie&Stella that I NEVER should have kept just one. Chloe, however, was a rare rattie soul, who wanted nothing to do with the friend I adopted for her (and then had to rehome)! My Chloe beat up any other rattie that I introduced her to, scaring them into playing dead in the worst cases and in the best simply chasing them away from me and then "guarding" me by poofing up to twice her normal (which was quite large) size and staying between me and the other rat at all times.
A special note from us: Mom's right! We wouldn't know what to do without each other. Chloe was a weirdo :-P